Wednesday, November 4, 2009

coast guard cutter stops by

a u.s coast guard cutter pulled along side, the very large and yacht ,molly and everyone was on.
molly flew away in her super outfit, becasuse the doggie and human would not believie molly's story about how, she got the super hero outfit and super powers, that was given by superman and hawkman.
some doggie u.s coast guard crewman, along with their human LT, Doggie coast guard crewmen named chester, rio, ellott, and winston were walking on the yachet for people to talk to.
doggie boat captain mr.jeepers left the yacht engine cabin, to the group of doggie u.s coast guard crewmen.

back on that u.s coast guard cutter, doggie u.s coast guard crewman named boomer, the dog, blew the cutter's horns, which casused megan, havi, nicolle , jeff, molly's boyfriend and ellie to wake up from sleeping.

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