Tuesday, November 3, 2009

molly and her friends-part-3 or 4

molly was being covered in the misit, her swim suit covered in, it, the misit caused molly to younger, she was turned back into a 10 year old little girl, that she wearing was too for molly to wear, but luckely the doggie francis who was the yachet, had her other doggie friend jeepers ,the drive , the yacht, while francis the dog, went to help molly, out of the blue , hawkman and superman came to molly's rescuse, superman used his super powers to turn molly back into full 21 year woman, superman gave a super hero outfit, molly went into the serveing cabin, covering with blankets, and took off her swim suit, molly was naked for a few seconds, but then she put on her super hero outfit, molly called herself, super molly, with super powers given to by superman and hawkman to help crime, molly and francis the dog. waved goodbye to superman and hawkman, as they both flew away in the sky.

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